Plug into the sun!

about us
Praesent vestibulum

GC TECH as Solar Power designer, supplier and installer was established on February 2014 as Single Proprietorship entity which is a license importer.

GC TECH is the Philippines distributor of MPP Solar Inverters made from Taiwan. We have several dealers in Sothern Mindanao and part of Visayas area.

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  • With skyrocketing Electricity per KWh rate, we have developed a business model for easy acquisition of Solar Power System named as Rent-to-Own scheme. It is a decentralize Electricity rooftop provider supported by Philippines Law (RA 9513). Its Subscribing client will be installed with Solar Power and KWh Meter and every month, the KWh Solar power consumption will be billed and paid by the client.

  • During Pandemic years, when people stayed at home, Electricity consumption is high and it trigger more the increasing adoption of Rent-to-Own Solar power System subscribers

Proin urna

GC TECH growth is extra ordinary that at present we are doing 2 to 4 Solar Power installation daily from residential to commercial and LGU's buildings. we are massively hiring of additional staff for solar Panels installations. These staff are

Cum sociis natoque pens et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Nulla dui. Fusce feugiat malesuada odio.

our team
Fusce euismod consequat

Marc Angco

Sr. Electrician
leo vel metus. Nulla facilisi.

John McCoist

Vivamus eget nibh. Etiam cursus leo vel metus. Nulla facilisi.